Astym treatment is safe and effective: It is one of the most researched and effective therapy treatments available. It is unmatched in its ability to resolve tendinopathies, scar tissue problems, and other soft tissue dysfunctions.
Physicians have confidence in Astym therapy and regularly prescribe it specifically for their patients, advising them to confirm a clinician is Astym-certified by checking the listing under Find a Provider at
Short treatment course: A typical course of treatment lasts only four to six weeks (8-10 visits), and during treatment, there are usually no restrictions on activity, which is a welcome change from other restrictive treatment options.
It really fixes the problem: Astym therapy does not just treat the symptoms or hide a problem with a temporary solution. Instead, the Astym process stimulates the body to regenerate and remodel tissues. Response rates to Astym therapy are high, and most patients experience improvement quickly.

Certified providers: Only certified Astym clinicians offer this therapy. Clinicians undergo intensive training and testing to obtain certification and provide the results people have come to expect from Astym treatment. There is no substitute for Astym therapy. Find an Astym-certified provider at
Research: Astym therapy was researched and developed by a skilled team of medical professionals, scientists, universities, and large hospital systems. It is the only therapy approach that was produced through rigorous scientific development: from theory through basic science investigation to clinical study and practice.
The patient’s physical response to Astym therapy is unbelievably quick.
The science and data on Astym therapy really make a difference. I have confidence using a treatment that is researched, observed, tested and re-tested, instead of something that is unfounded and anecdotal.
— Chad Loup, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon
Astym® treatment safely and effectively stimulates scar tissue to be resorbed by the body and regenerates damaged soft tissues. It is highly effective in chronic conditions such as plantar fasciopathy, lateral epicondylopathy, chronic hamstring or groin injuries, tendinopathies, and post-traumatic/post-surgical scarring – even when nothing else seems to work. It is also very effective on sprains, strains, and speeds recovery in acute and sub-acute soft tissue injuries.